Presentment of False Instrument for Filing, A Class 6 Felony
This site will be updated periodically. If you are aware of documents that I have not posted or have any questions, please email me at:
Date Filed # Docket Text
03/30/2011 080 MOT - Motion - PART 1 OF 1 - ID 837308
11/30/2009 079 RTM - Returned Mail
11/06/2009 078 167 - Pcr Dismissed
06/25/2009 077 197 - Pcr/Ext/Time/Filing Granted
06/10/2009 076 NRE - Notice of Completion of Post Conviction Relief Request for Extension of Time
04/28/2009 075 TSP - Transcript Of Proceedings
03/16/2009 074 595 - Rule 32 P C R
02/18/2009 073 PCR - Post Conviction Relief
01/26/2009 072 099 - Withdrawal Of Counsel
11/24/2008 071 NPC - Notice Of Post Conviction Relief
11/24/2008 070 RPR - Request for Preparation of Record
10/07/2008 069 DRE - Disposition Report
09/24/2008 068 570 - Sentence-Jail (no Monetary Orders Entered)
09/24/2008 067 105 - Plea Agreement/Change Of Plea
09/22/2008 066 NRR - Notice Of Rights Of Review
09/22/2008 065 PAG - Plea Agreement
09/19/2008 064 REL - Reply
09/18/2008 063 RMR - Response to Defendant's Motion - PART 1 OF 1 - ID 241043
09/17/2008 062 MFW - Motion For Withdraw of counsel
09/05/2008 061 MTD - Motion To Dismiss
08/20/2008 060 064 - Trial Continued/Reset
06/26/2008 059 023 - Order Entered By Court
06/25/2008 058 089 - Trial Setting
06/20/2008 057 MTD - Motion To Dismiss
06/12/2008 056 RMR - Response to Defendant's Motion - PART 1 OF 1 - ID 200751
06/12/2008 055 NOT - Notice
06/09/2008 054 OBJ - Objection/Opposition.
06/09/2008 053 MOT - Motion
06/06/2008 052 MOT - Motion
06/05/2008 051 066 - Case Reassigned
06/04/2008 050 028 - Status Conference Set
06/04/2008 049 088 - Case Transferred
06/02/2008 048 MTD - Motion To Dismiss
06/02/2008 047 EXW - Exhibits Work Sheet
05/28/2008 046 OCW - Order for Withdrawal of Counsel
05/19/2008 045 023 - Order Entered By Court
05/15/2008 044 022 - Order Signed
05/14/2008 043 MFW - Motion For Withdraw of counsel
05/13/2008 042 906 - Response/Reply Times Set
05/12/2008 041 NAR - Notice Of Appearance
05/12/2008 040 MET - Motion for Extension Of Time
05/12/2008 039 MOT - Motion
05/08/2008 038 066 - Case Reassigned
05/07/2008 037 002 - Hearing Vacated
05/06/2008 036 PTT - Petition
05/06/2008 035 PTT - Petition
05/05/2008 034 ANP - Description varies by case type - PART 1 OF 1 -< - ID 185414
05/05/2008 033 AFL - Allegation of Felony Committed While on Release/ Enhanced Sentencing - PART 1 OF 1 -< - ID 185415
05/05/2008 032 DAR - Notice of Disclosure and Request for Disclosure - PART 1 OF 1 -< - ID 185416
05/05/2008 031 PTT - Petition
05/05/2008 030 PTT - Petition
05/02/2008 029 PTT - Petition
05/02/2008 028 PTT - Petition
05/02/2008 027 NOT - Notice
05/02/2008 026 NOT - Notice
05/01/2008 025 PWH - Petititon for Writ Of Habeas Corpus
04/30/2008 024 PTT - Petition
04/30/2008 023 PTT - Petition
04/30/2008 022 ORD - Order
04/28/2008 021 PTT - Petition
04/28/2008 020 PTT - Petition
04/25/2008 019 MET - Motion for Extension Of Time
04/23/2008 018 152 - Not Guilty Plea Arraign
04/22/2008 017 IAD - Initial Appearance Document
04/22/2008 016 PTT - Petition
04/22/2008 015 PTT - Petition
04/22/2008 014 PTT - Petition
04/22/2008 013 NOT - Notice
04/18/2008 012 NOT - Notice
04/18/2008 011 PTT - Petition
04/18/2008 010 PTT - Petition
04/18/2008 009 PTT - Petition
04/18/2008 008 PTT - Petition
04/15/2008 007 AFF - Affidavit
04/15/2008 006 PTT - Petition
04/15/2008 005 SDT - Subpoena Duces Tecum
04/14/2008 004 PTT - Petition
04/10/2008 003 WAR - Description varies by case type
04/08/2008 002 604 - GJ True Bill/Warrant Issue
04/08/2008 001 IND - Indictment